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Welcome Dream Daughters

 Welcome to! Thank you so much for stopping by my site. I hope that you will find inspiration, information, and revelation to help you along your journey.

Dream Daughters is a ministry to women that speaks to the power, strength, and courage that every woman has the capacity to tap into by the grace of God. It is based on the story of the five daughters of Zelophehad found in Numbers 27. It tells of their boldness, and their  refusal to settle for less than what they knew they deserved. So much so, that laws were changed on their behalf  they received the inheritance that belonged to them!We are all Dream Daughters! Full of  power, courage, and boldness; Ready to inherit everything the Father has for us!

My prayer is that I can help you tap into the greatness inside of you!

Much Love and many blessings to you,

– Lenyar Robinson   

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